Jean-Pierre Nicolas, vencedor do Rali Tap 71 e 2º classificado no Rali Tap 73, irá marcar presença no II Encontro do Clube Alpine Portugal que se realizará no dia 28 de março no Hotel Palace do Buçaco. Em breve publicaremos o programa do evento.
Jean-Pierre Nicolas, vainqueur du Rally Tap 71 et 2e place du Rally Tap 73, sera présent au II Meeting du Clube Alpine Portugal qui aura lieu le 28 mars à l'Hôtel Palace do Buçaco. Bientôt, nous publierons le programme de l'événement.
Jean-Pierre Nicolas, winner of the Rally Tap 71 and 2nd place in the Rally Tap 73, will be present at the 2nd Meeting of the Clube Alpine Portugal to be held on March 28 at the Hotel Palace do Buçaco. Soon we will publish the program of the event.
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